When you stop protesting in your life, you win.

What does it mean to oppose? It means not doing the work which we know we should do, but we do not do it due to laziness or any other reason. For example, we all know we should get up in the morning, but as soon as the alarm goes off, we resist getting up and hit the snooze button and go back to sleep.

Apart from this, many people come to the author to ask how he can get his book printed, but many of these people never write their book completely. They just take advice, write half their book, and then when they run out of ideas, they don’t write it out of laziness.

To fight this kind of opposition, give a name to the reason why you are hesitant to do that work. If you are not doing that work because of laziness, then say that you are not doing that work because of laziness. After this, the second way is to pray.

Writers spend a lot of their time traveling and are very busy. Living in noise can easily spoil a person’s mood. But when they pray, they realize what their purpose is.

They ask themselves these four questions: Who am I? What is the purpose of my life? Which work is most important? Which job matters the least?

Such questions show them the way of life and tell what work they should focus on. With this they can connect themselves with spirituality.


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