It is important to create habits for,discipline

It is very important to create habits for discipline and discipline for success.

J.F. Kennedy once said in his speech โ€“ you are made by your habits. Rich habits will make you a rich person and poor habits will make you a poor person.

So if you want to be successful then you have to create good habits.

You can build good habits by using your discipline. Creating habits is not as difficult a task as you think. Just do some work daily and on seeing it, it will become your habit. This habit will take you to the heights of success one day.

When Michael Phelps won 8 gold medals in the Olympics, a reporter asked him – Do you believe that today is the luckiest day of your life? On this Michael said- You practice swimming for 10 hours a day every day for 10 years, you too can win 8 medals. Luck has nothing to do with it.

Similarly, a good habit can also take you to such heights that even people’s eyes cannot reach.

The best way to build habits is to start. It is not so difficult to maintain them, knowing how to make them. Once you start making a habit, then later that work will become easy for you and then you can focus your attention on making some other habit.

Using your discipline, you can create good habits that will lead you to success.