To improve yourself, make friends with better

As you must have heard many times, human being is a social animal that likes to be with other people. When these other people around you are nice and try to make you better, you become better than before. The author is a good example of this.

The writer’s friends noticed that the writer is spending a lot of time on the road to do his work and because of this he is not getting his life partner. So he invited the writer to play golf. But when the writer reached there, he found out that his friends had fooled him. His friends were calling him just to talk to him, so that he could make the writer realize what he was doing with his life.

His friends said that he has been traveling a lot for his work and because of this his life has gone astray. Because of this they are not getting married. Though the writer felt bad about it, he later realized that his friends were doing all this for his own good. He accepted his word and started meeting people through the Internet.

The author promoted the Dynamic Catholic Institute via the Internet to reconnect America with Catholicism. They got a lot of benefit from this.

Apart from this, the author learned that by not chasing short-term relief, you can achieve long-term success. After founding Dynamic Catholic, the author spent little time with his friends and stopped doing other small things that he liked. But when he finally lectured in 50 countries and sold 10 million books, he realized how rewarding it was.

Apart from this, a famous experiment, named Marshmallow Experiment, showed that children who can sacrifice short-term needs for long-term benefits, become more successful in the future.