Top5 Techniques for Self Confidence and Success in Interview

  • 1. Speaking in Interviews, Group Discussions and Public Meetings

    2. How to increase your ability to talk about the topic

    3.Clothes, Greetings, Newspapers etc.

    4. Some of the common questions asked in the interview are-

    5.How to Develop Self Confidence for Interview

  • It teaches some techniques for preparing for interviews, group discussions and public speaking.

  • 1. Speaking in Interviews, Group Discussions and Public Meetings

  • Interviews are held for admissions, scholarships, jobs etc. In an interview, one or more people sit in a room to ask or discuss some questions with the candidate.

  • Group Discussion or Group Discussion is conducted for jobs. In a group discussion, several students sit at the same place and discuss a topic. At this time the examiner, sitting in a corner near them, watches and listens while discussing them and decides which student has the qualities of success.

  • Speaking in public meeting can be for job, dissertation, project work, debate, any festival or any course. In this a student stands among the people and speaks about his subject. Lastly, the student may also have to answer some questions from people.

  • Further in this chapter the word “interview” is taken to mean interview, group discussion or speaking in public meeting.

  • 2. How to increase your ability to talk about the topic

  • An important fact of the interview is that the examiner’s decision is very personal. This means that if marks are being awarded by ten examiners, their results will not be the same. A student may be the best in the eyes of some examiners, while others may consider him average or even below the average. This personal attitude makes preparing for the interview even more difficult.

  • Interview success depends on two things that are under your control

    (1) Your knowledge of the subject

    (2) Your ability to talk and discuss the subject.

  • Here I’m going to teach you a technique to increase your ability to talk just about the topic.

  • Speaking in front of the examiner in an interview or giving a speech and discussion in front of a group is an art. It is not necessary for any beginner to have specific knowledge of psychology or to know how people behave in a group. All you need is to have confidence in yourself and go on saying whatever is emerging in your mind.

  • Just like learning to ride a bicycle, you can learn to speak in a group with just practice. There is no other way to do this.

  • The easiest way to practice is to gather with your friends in one place. Imagine that the interview is actually taking place. If you want to go for an actual interview then tie a tie here too. The more realistic you can make this practice state, the more you will benefit. Actually you can request one of your teacher or friend to interview you.

  • One of the main parts of this exercise is that you ask two questions after the exercise

    First ask, what have I done very well? This will increase your confidence. The second question is โ€œHow can I improve? Or how can I be better?” Again listen carefully to the answers. This is important. Even your non-specialist friends can tell you that you were sitting on the couch like a lazy person, or that you were sitting too straight. Or you were sitting on the edge of a chair, or you were just answering questions from one of the examiner members, etc.

  • There is no end to written advice. you have to practice interview

    Even if you only have to prepare for the interview, it is still recommended that you prepare and practice for all three types (interview, group discussion and public speaking). By this your speaking ability will develop rapidly.

  • Another important fact of any interview is that the interviewer will first ask you very simple questions โ€“ about you, your studies, your location etc. This is done so that you feel comfortable and after that you can be asked about the subject knowledge.

  • But also remember that some incompetent and others who make others unhappy, examiners will not give you a chance to feel comfortable. Even in that case, the confidence and stress-free living techniques described in this book will help you stay relaxed and confident.

  • 3.Clothes, Greetings, Newspapers etc.

  • When you enter the room for an interview, there are a few relatively simple things to keep in mind as well. Like what to wear? What to say when entering the room? e.t.c .

  • Do what feels right and prudent. There is no specific rule. Some pointers are being given here. When you practice interviewing,

    Then use this list.

  • ยป Look clean. Wear clean and clean clothes. Polish the shoes.

    ยป Arrive on time. ,

    ยป When you enter the interview room, greet by saying “Namaste sir” or good morning sir etc.

    *If you’re going to shake hands, give a strong (but not too loud) handshake. Many people consider a strong handshake to be a sign of trust.

    ยซ Wait for someone to tell you to sit. When asked to sit, give thanks and then sit on the chair.

  • *Listen to the interviewer without interrupting. Let them finish their question before answering.

  • ยซยป If you do not know about a subject, then state it clearly. There is no use in bluffing or lying.

  • ยซยป Look at everyone when you are speaking. And while listening, look at the speaker.

  • โ€œWhen speaking, do not speak too loudly or in a very low voice.

  • ยซ Thank the interviewer before leaving the interview room.

  • ” Please come. s. Or read the daily newspaper at the time of other similar interviews, so that you are aware of the news of this day. Reading the daily newspaper is not important for most of the other interviews.

  • 4. Some of the common questions asked in the interview are-

  • *Why do you want this job?

  • *ยซ Tell us about your former jobs.

  • * Tell me about yourself.

  • Tell me about your education.

  • * Questions about today’s events.

  • * Questions to solve problems.

  • 5.How to Develop Self Confidence for Interview

  • Many people feel nervous during interviews, group discussions and speaking in public meetings. Even eminent orators of the world have been found feeling nervous at times. The famous President of America Abraham Lincoln has accepted this fact in his book. It’s okay and right to feel a little nervous. Having some nervousness means that extra energy is being created in the body. You have to learn to harness that extra power when you start speaking. Once you start speaking, after speaking for a minute or two, you won’t feel nervous and it will be easier to talk and discuss.