First of all, we will know what are Habit Forming Products.

  • First of all, we will know what are Habit Forming Products. These are products that we are used to using. Like our smartphones, apps like Facebook and Twitter, and other things. So let’s see how these products can benefit you.

  • Habit forming products are products that we get used to using. As mentioned earlier habits are difficult to get rid of. So if your products are habit forming then people will use your product for a longer time and you will be successful for longer time.

  • If your product is Habit Forming then people will also tell their friends about it. In this way other people will also use your product and you will benefit. This is how Facebook became so famous.

  • As we have already seen, it is very difficult to change habits and get rid of them. So it is also difficult to compete with your product. If another company wants to compete with you, then it will have to make some more improvements in its product. Such as Qwerty keypad. When the QWERTY keypad arrived, people got used to typing on it and stopped using other keypads.

  • – And the last advantage of this is that you will not have any problem if you increase the price. Often we see that some levels are free in games but after that you have to pay to play. Developers do this because they know that once people get used to playing the game, they will not hesitate to pay to play it.

  • So a habit forming product like this can take you to great heights.


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