• Have you ever thought about startup?

  • If you must be thinking, then this question must have also come in your mind that will my startup be successful? Will people like him? If it fails, what will I do? Along with this, even if you are doing any business, then the question must have come in your mind that what should I do to take it forward?

  • What are some similar questions that most people ask themselves everyday?

  • The answers to these questions are also different for everyone. The answer which is correct for one company is not necessarily true for another company. That is why it has been said that the answers to such questions are very specific. But what if you come to know about any method. Which you can use in your business?

  • If you are also looking for a similar method? Then you must read and listen to the summary of this book.

  • So let’s get started!

  • If you are an open minded person and take care of the events around you. Then you can handle difficult situations better. Here the author wants to tell from his experience that he learned the most important thing about business from his personal experience.

  • That situation was the pain of his knees, now you must be thinking that how can a person learn business from knee pain?

  • Now you are going to get the answer of this. Here the author tells that he was meeting many experts for his knee pain. But he realized that no one’s medicine is helping him. After realizing this, he became very sad too.

  • But he himself experienced the reason behind it. He wondered why everyone’s medicines were not working. The reason behind this is that experts are trying to cure their symptoms. No one is treating the reason behind their pain.

  • Finally, after several months of severe pain, the author got his knees operated.

  • But the thing to think about was that even after this he did not get relief. His knees had made his life hell.

  • Now more than 6 months had passed since the surgery. Now the writer had decided that now he will change his approach to this pain. He decided to take the help of physiotherapist. He spent several hours a day in foam rollers, but even that didn’t help much.

  • Now he was about to leave himself on that pain.

  • But suddenly he met a sports rehabilitation expert. His name was Nikolay Parson.

  • Now the big question was, was Parson going to be treated like the rest of the experts?

  • But this did not happen, he did not just look at the knee like the rest, instead he decided to examine the whole body of the writer.

  • It was his holistic approach that showed where the problem really lay.

  • The problem was on the shoulder muscle. Due to which there used to be extra pressure on the alignment of his knees. When the real reason behind the writer’s problem was known. Only then could he be told the right way. With the help of many months of proper and accurate treatment, the author got rid of his knee pain. Now he could easily do jogging and running again.

  • Here the writer speaks because business is also like the human body.

  • If there is any problem with them. Then you just don’t have to treat the symptoms. Rather you need to understand the whole process. It is your job to find out the region. Once you know the right reason, then you can also find and bring the right treatment for it.

  • Therefore, through this chapter, the authors want to say that sometimes you need to correct your approach.


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