We all love the story of a hero whether it is classical or mythological

We all love the story of a hero whether it is classical or mythological.

Even in our scripts, there are stories of heroes who act in different ways, face death, fight for their values, and finally get success. Every great business story also has some important things.


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Business does not mean to earn money rightly or wrongly, to be worried all the time or to keep working on accounts even in your home. Business is an adventure for which it is very important to have Brave. To become a successful businessman, you have to put everything at stake in the hope of just one idea being successful.


In this summary, we will tell you about the journey of an entrepreneur. You will learn how amidst poverty, helplessness, sexism and discrimination, an entrepreneur struggles for just one idea. You will also witness the success of these entrepreneurs, a success that means more than just earning money.


So let’s get started!


Sometimes some opportunities are so great that they cannot be missed, but they must be seen before moving forward.



A period where entrepreneurship is being promoted a lot, you must have heard that successful idea is not there but it is implemented. This is true, but not the whole truth. If you have all the funding, the way to do things but don’t have an idea, you can never move forward. But where does a good idea come from? Can you get it anywhere, or will you have to wait until your brain lights up?


In response to this question, restaurateur and chef Jose Andres says, both things are true, if you keep looking for it, then you will find it. So how to find out if an idea is really good or not?


If you think that your whole life can be turned up and down for this idea, then it is definitely a good idea.


Jim Koch’s life was going well in 1984. He was a management consultant, walking down a path that was heavily funded and his children were never going to need to worry about money.

But he was not happy with his work and always felt that there was a gap in the market for European stylecraft beer, a job that was his family business. Jim’s family got scared after hearing about leaving the job, but Jim had made up his mind.


Leaving a job was terrifying, but it was even worse to go through old age regretting having missed the opportunity. The good thing is that Jim’s life did not come with a period of regret, he started a company called Boston Beer.


Which earned $ 1.3 billion in 2019. These numbers of profits can inspire anyone to follow their passion by believing in themselves. Do go ahead, but not without any arrangement, that means don’t fly without a parachute.


The parachute for Dymond John, founder of hip-hop apparel company FUBU, was a job at Red Lopster from Queens, New York. Despite the brand’s popularity, Dymond knew it was not far from bankruptcy.


Despite the glamorous job, only the money could be earned from it, and eventually it became possible to pursue FUBU because of this job. In 1995, 6 years after the establishment, FUBU secured multimillion-dollar financing after Dymond’s mother published a classifieds aid in the New York Times.


The cost of the ad was equal to the salary of $ 2000 i.e. Red Lopster. With the investment safe in the bank, Diamond finally started following his dream full time.