We have to change the approach of living our life, try to come out of linear thinking?

What shape has your life story taken? This may sound like a strange question. But if we look at it closely. So it turns out that our life follows a specific pattern. Or we can also say that we live life in a special way.

Usually, we think that our life is linear. We are born, grow old and in between our life passes through many stages. This kind of thinking has become our civilization. And we consider this thinking to be normal. But people’s thinking about life was not always like this.

During the early civilization of Babylon and EGYPT, people thought of life as a cycle. Which has different seasons. People used to become a part of that circle and used to believe in one type of civilization all their life.

But then time changed and people’s thinking became linear. As the Bible grew, linear thinking became stronger.

By its 19th century, people started to understand the value of time. Industries started, people started living life according to time. Then came a time when people started seeing time in clocks. He used to plan his day according to the time.

The gist of this entire chapter is that change is the truth of life. We should accept it and prepare our life accordingly. With this we need to be a little creative. A lot has gone on the linear path, now enjoy your life with creative stories.