Socrates, Plato and Aristotle never fully agreed with the definition of happiness.

What are the most common human emotions? Obviously these include fear, love, hate, and happiness. There is no doubt that these feelings are central to the true meaning of being human.

But we don’t always see happiness as a natural emotion or a derived emotion – or we don’t even consider it human. Long ago, happiness was seen as a God-given thing, something that certainly cannot be messed with.

The intellectuals of history owe a debt to us. He discovered the modern concept of happiness and transformed it from something mysterious and uncontrollable into something that we can enjoy in our spare time. In this summary you will learn why the Dark Ages were so dark? What did Marx’s followers think of Khushi and why did Americans prosecute the government after 1776?

So let’s get started!

We all have the same opinion about happiness, don’t we? If you are not feeling happy, you can change this feeling. If you are having a bad day, then do something that will make you feel happy. Even if it is just a small act like eating chocolate.

But people don’t always think so.

Let’s take a flying look at Athens. After the city was democratized in the fifth century BC, people began to dream of a happy life that they could influence.

Before the fall of the Persian Empire, people thought that happiness was beyond their control. In fact, at that time there were many factors like poverty, poor medical technology, political repression, which caused immense misery – due to which happiness was left to the will of God. After the defeat of the empire, Athens began to flourish. As democracy progressed, people began to experience a new freedom, and this experience has inspired some that perhaps their happiness is within their reach.

Socrates and his disciple Plato believed in this – that, by using their ability to reason, people could better control their lives and their happiness too. Socrates and Plato argued that happiness was simply luck or happiness. It does not depend on gods, but on people. For them, happiness was the ultimate goal, far greater than mere worldly gratification. It was the natural tendency of man to crave such extraterrestrial pleasures. Aristotle, on the other hand, saw things in a slightly different way. Like Socrates and Plato, he believed that humans were made for something big and important. But unlike his thinking, Aristotle thought we should look to the world; It is only from there that we can ascertain our role as human beings and the true role of human happiness.

This is beautifully depicted in the famous frescoes by Raphael – The School of Athens. It depicts Plato pointing to the sky while Aristotle is seen with the palm of his right hand pointed to the ground.