Does God eat the food offered by us?

Does God eat the food offered by us?

If you eat, why does that thing not expire? And if you do not eat, then what is the use of offering bhog? A boy asked this question to his master in the middle of the lesson…. The master did not give any immediate answer. He kept on teaching the lesson as before.

That day he recited a verse at the end of the lesson: Poornamadah purnamidam purnat purnamudachyate. Purnasya Purnamaday Purna Mevavashishyate॥ After the completion of the lesson, the Guru asked the disciples to memorize the verse after seeing the book. After an hour, the Guru asked the questioning disciple whether he had memorized the verse or not.

That disciple narrated the entire verse to a pure and pure Guru. Still the Guru shook his head ‘no’, then the disciple said, “If they want, they can see the book; the verse is absolutely pure.” Looking at the book, the Guru said, “The verse is in the book itself, so how did it enter your mind? The disciple could not answer anything. Then the Guru said, “The verse which is in the book is in a physical form.

When you read the shloka, it has entered your mind in a subtle form, in that subtle form it remains in your mind. And when you have memorized it after reading it, even then there is no reduction in the verse of the book in its gross form… There is no shortage of items.

That is what we accept as prasad. * The disciple got the answer to his question….


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