Motivational Quote: Hard work never goes in vain Power of Faith : Power of Belief

Any work or hard work done in life never goes in vain. The hard work we put in, we definitely get reward in some form or the other, this is the truth.
The only difference is that some people believe that “hard work never goes in vain” and keep trying till then to achieve their goal.

until the goal is achieved. On the other hand, some people give up soon and stop trying.
This is the difference between success and failure, which we can call confidence or confidence because the whole game is of faith.

Faith can turn a stone into a god and unbelief can turn a man made by God into a stone hearted.
Ever since I started to believe that “Hard work never goes in vain” Ever since then “My hard work never goes in vain” and probably because of this belief I am able to write this article today.

An example: Thomas Alva Edison

An example: Thomas Alva Edison – Thomas Alva Edison Prerak Prasang
The great scientist Thomas Alva Edison was a very hardworking and combative person. As a child, he was thrown out of school saying that he was a retarded child. The same Thomas Edison made many important inventions, out of which the “electric bulb” is the main one. He had experimented thousands of times to invent the bulb, then he got success.

Once when he was doing experiments to make a bulb, a person asked him – “You did about a thousand experiments but all your experiments were unsuccessful and your hard work was in vain. Aren’t you sad?”
Edison said – “I do not think that a thousand of my experiments have failed.

My hard work did not go in vain because I have done a thousand experiments to find out that a bulb cannot be made by these a thousand ways. Every experiment of mine is part of the process of making a bulb and I take a step forward with each attempt.

Eventually Edison’s hard work paid off and he invented the bulb and illuminated the whole world. It was the faith of Thomas Edison that did not let the ray of hope go out and illuminated the whole world with the help of a bulb.
The road to success opens only when we get close to it.

“Hard work never goes in vain. It is this belief that motivates us to move forward and keep trying. Every effort of ours takes us a step forward and as we move forward, the path of success opens up for us.

The person who does not believe is not able to try for a long time and when he does not try, then from afar he sees all the paths ahead because the path of success opens for us only when we get very close to him.